Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Projection technology

While I was in Vegas at the convention I met a company that sold video projectors. Now I know what's the big deal about a video projector right? Well this company had software that was developed especially for there projector that allowed you to preamble any image you desired for any location and project it onto that location. So for example you are the head of PR for the White House and you want the front of the White House look like the America flag for the fourth if July. You can't paint the White House red white and blue, you can't convert the White House in a vinyl wrap so this projector and software is your solution. You first take the image you want and import it into the program, then you import and image of the building you want to project it on. After that you press a few keys and the computer is now showing a simulations of what it will look like projected on that building. You can change numerous things I side the program to get the desired look. On of these options is eliminating shadows that would be naturally there on the building. This would give the illusion that the image is laid flat across the building. All I. All I thought that this technology was amazing and a true innovation to the marketing and graphic design world

#graphicdesign #technology

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