Thursday, October 11, 2012

CSS Navigation

I just recently have become extremely comfortable with the CSS coding language and am now ready to try new innovative ideas with this language. I started off by creating a full functioning CSS template and website layout. after i had this finished I started looking into what was trending in the world of CSS and web development and found that more and more developers were using CSS for website navigation. I began to research how to create this type of a navigation and quickly found a site that showed me step by step how to create it (click here to view the instructions) you will need some knowledge on how CSS and HTML work together in order to make this navigation work properly. After i got this CSS navigation to work properly i started to edit and change things and add more pieces to it and finally got what i wanted for the end result. Below is an image with a link to the site that I created with the CSS navigation.
Click here to go to the site

CBS Website CSS Navigation

If you need any help with creating a CSS navigation or have any web development related questions please Email me at or comment on my blog, or shoot me a tweet @bkcustomdezign. and dont forget to like me on facebook

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