Saturday, November 24, 2012

TEST TEST and TEST some more!!!

Throughout the years I have seen numerous people create websites, make them live and realize a few days later that there are numerous issues with the site. Thus they have to take the entire site down and fix there issues. To solve this problem there are many things you can do. The main thing that is most important for any website build is to set up a local server to host your site on. This allows you to test the site for any errors or issues before it goes live to the world wide web. Try and use every tool possible before taking a site live. you always have to remember that it takes years to build a positive reputation and seconds to ruin it. This being said make sure you overly test your website before posting live. People will notice problems and will avoid your site if the see or find them. Please feel free to contact me with any question at

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christmas time email newsletter

It's that time of year again when you start to put together your Christmas time email campaigns. Weather it's B2B or B2C there are some things you should try and provide to your customers so that your email stands out in the crowd. There are three main things that you should bring to your customers with a Christmas time email news letter, a special offer, a reason to think of your business, and a positive message.

To start make the email worth while to open and give them a reason to visit your store or site. With your offer make sure it is a product that most of your customers will purchase. Also make sure that your offer is too good to pass up for any customer. This will get them into your store or onto your website to make a purchase and hopefully buy something else.

Next give them a reason to remember our company and remember that they received an offer from you. In today's day and age there are so many emails that come into an inbox on a daily basis that you have to make sure yours stands out. You can do this by creating a unique, well designed email that looks like nothing they have ever seen or provide a unique game for them to play in the email, nothing large short and sweet is the best.

Lastly provide the customer with a positive message. Most people look at there email first thing in the morning or right before they go to bed. Either way providing them a positive message will brighten there day and could possible cause them to talk about the email throughout the day or the following day. Thus you will receive free word of mouth advertising from it.

Keep these three principles in mind when you are creating this years Christmas time email and you will notice a drastic increase in success.